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Short DescirptionSupporting the implementation of world-leading innovations in urban sustainability
The challenge calls for impactful solutions that are viable, scalable and advance sustainability in San Francisco, such as innovations using AI and solutions for infrastructure, urban green and blue spaces, renewable energy and water and waste management.
This challenge supports entrepreneurship that brings innovative solutions tackling sustainability and climate issues to San Francisco, while cultivating an ecosystem of stakeholders whose support can foster a conducive environment for sustainable environmental and social urban development, spurring economic growth and bolstering San Francisco's revitalization efforts.
CriteriaThe program is set up to address immediate challenges and lay the groundwork for lasting transformation. To this end, this challenge is looking for startups and innovators who:
1. Are located in the Bay Area or have identified San Francisco as a key strategic location for their growth, and are therefore looking to deploy and hire locally, and commercialize and scale their innovation in San Francisco.
2. Serve the local San Francisco community needs while promoting diversity, equity and inclusion throughout their work.
3. Display innovative usage of technology in their work, such as Artificial Intelligence and other disruptive or unique technological innovations in urban sectors which would benefit from technological introductions.
4. Seek to engage and collaborate with an ecosystem of key supporters that are mission-aligned to drive transformative innovation in San Francisco.

The focus areas of this challenge include:
• Renewable energy and energy efficiency
• Sustainable transportation and mobility
• Resource management
• Sustainable construction and materials
• Other areas of sustainability

Submissions shortlisted in the first stage of review will be asked to fill out an additional questionnaire with technical information concerning the criteria below.

I. Business performance
• Commercial viability: Description of financial maturity, target market identified, potential business cases and go-to-market strategies. Ensuring practical feasibility, attractiveness to clients, and long-term cost-effectiveness.
• Scalability: Credible rationale and plan to successfully hire and deploy in the local San Francisco ecosystem, with potential to expand globally.
• Traction: Successful plan and pathway for fundraising and annual revenue history/projections as a marker of the start-up's traction.

II. Innovation
• Urban applicability: Clear demonstration of how the innovation will generate measurable impact towards the focus areas of this challenge and local San Francisco community needs.
• Market needs and ability to deploy: Clear case for innovation in urban sustainability, where the innovation can be deployed feasibly in the context of San Francisco’s urban needs both socially and economically.

III. Impact
• Clear impact pathways towards relevant stakeholders in San Francisco with first expected, measurable environmental and socio-economic impact linked to the innovation proposed within 12 months.
• Clear impact metrics: For instance, reduction of energy use, reduced footprints of CO2, water, waste, community inclusion and other environmental and social impact measures.

IV. Team
• Team dynamics: Balanced team with visionary leadership and complementary skills across technical, business, and operational areas. Key traits include adaptability, clear vision for the company, resilience in the face of challenges, ethical considerations in technology deployment and ability to raise capital.
• Diversity: A diverse team where inclusivity and equity are represented and practised among team members with a positive company culture.
RegionsSan Francisco