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Short DescirptionConnect with public and private entities to solve their innovation challenges.
(Please refer to list of challenges on the registration website)

The Smart Cities’ Challenges is the hugely popular international matchmaking activity providing a unique opportunity to have a series of 30-minute, pre-scheduled B2B and B2P meetings according to your interests and goals, with a view to establishing valuable connections with potential business partners and clients.

The event’s aim is to support SMEs, start-ups, entrepreneurs, universities, research groups, corporations and institutions in finding partners for product development, manufacturing, licensing agreements, joint ventures and other types of collaboration.

Smart City Expo World Congress (Barcelona, November 5-7) is the world’s biggest and most influential event for cities and urban innovation. The event is a premier meeting point where a diverse crowd of industry executives, government leaders, researchers, investors and entrepreneurs gather annually to revisit complex issues at the heart of a new model of city and society.
CriteriaWho can participate?
• Only companies with a VAT number are eligible. Please note that proposals from self-employed individuals will not be accepted.
• For challenge owners, eligibility is limited to corporations, public entities, and innovative SMEs with challenges seeking new technologies and solutions.
• Regarding technology and solution providers applying for a challenge, we are specifically seeking startups, spinoffs, innovative SMEs, R&D centers, Academia, etc. When evaluating technological providers, it's crucial to ensure that the company offers more than just consultancy services or software/app development for clients. It should also not be limited to operating as a static website or landing page with minimal activity. Instead, it should provide specific solutions or developments tailored to address the presented challenges
• Please be aware that your company is not eligible if you are a consultancy firm, a business development and marketing agency, a corporate entity without a challenge, or similar.
• Technological providers can only request online meeting with other technological providers.
How many participants per company can participate?
• Only one registration per organization will be accepted
• Nevertheless, for both physical and online meetings, you are permitted to invite one additional colleague to join, allowing a total of two representatives from each organization to attend.
• Open Innovation Challenge participants will benefit from important discounts!
If you are a tech provider and you have 1 or more onsite meetings, you have the right to: 50% discount on the visitor pass (worth 100 €). To be granted this pass, you must select if you want to redeem it in the registration process of b2match.
What is the procedure to apply for the challenges?
1. Register on the platform and select the challenge(s) you wish to apply for. Provide a detailed explanation of your proposal, ensuring that it directly addresses the specific challenge(s) you are applying for. Please note that corporations typically prioritize applications that are detailed and directly relevant to their challenges.
2. Once your registration is fully complete and aligns with at least one of the challenges, we will validate your profile, enabling you to request meetings with the corporation(s) you are interested in.
3. If the corporation accepts your proposal, you will receive a message confirming the acceptance and providing a schedule for the agreed-upon meetings.