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Short DescirptionThe KBF Africa Prize rewards African organisations which contribute to sustainably improving the lives of people in Africa.

The Prize is awarded every other year and seeks to draw public attention to the many inspirational stories, challenges and successes emerging from the African continent. Beyond its monetary value of 250.000 €, it offers its winners unique opportunities to increase their visibility and promote their cause to international audiences.
Criteria(Please refer to the website for criteria and further details)

The selection criteria for the Prize

Who can be awarded?
The KBF Africa Prize rewards organisations which have been established in Africa, by Africans and which are managed and led by Africans.
The Prize pays particular attention to initiatives that tackle challenges in Africa in transformative ways, which are resilient and adaptable in a constantly changing context, which have a long-term vision, and which empower people to take their future into their own hands. QUESTIONS GUIDING THE SELECTION
1. Is the candidate an African-initiated and led organisation?
2. Does the candidate have a proven track-record of impact to sustainably improve the lives of
people in Africa?
3. Do the organisation’s realisations contribute to societal transformation? Is the candidate
working towards a more inclusive society? Does it contribute to more gender equality?
4. Are the organisation’s initiatives embedded at local level? Do they have a multiplicator effect
for a range of actors in society? Can they be replicated elsewhere on the continent and/or
5. Does the organisation have a capable leadership to fulfil its mission and to carry a strong
message for both decision-makers and the general public?
6. Does the candidate demonstrate resilience and adaptability in a constantly changing context?
7. Does the candidate subscribe to KBF’s values: integrity and transparency; pluralism and
independence; respect for diversity; promotion of solidarity?
8. Is the financial management healthy and transparent? Are audited financial reports available
and/or are mechanisms in place to ensure sound financial management?
9. To what extent can the Prize make a difference for the Laureate? Do they still need the Prize
in terms of visibility, credibility and recognition?

1. To ensure diversity of the laureates, the candidate should not be based in the same country as
the last 2 laureates of the Prize. For this 2025-2026 edition: Somalia and Tanzania.
2. The candidate should not work on the same broad topics as the last 2 laureates of the Prize.
For this 2025-2026 edition: peace-building and women’s economic empowerment.
3. The candidate needs to be active since at least 2021.
4. The candidate should present recommendation letters from two individuals external to the
organisation (and not member of its Board).