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Short DescirptionIs your startup developing nutrition based solutions that help women stay physically and mentally fit during their adult life?

Nestlé’s global R+D Accelerator is seeking to identify and bring to market innovative nutrition-based solutions that support women with their physical and mental health and well-being. This includes needs related to reproductive health, fertility, menstruation and hormonal changes as they transition into perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause. Additionally, the focus will be on conditions associated with these life stages, such as iron deficiency, joint pain, cardiovascular diseases and overall well-being, such as mood and sleep.

The Innovation Challenge winners will receive access to Nestlé's state-of-the-art infrastructure and unmatched science and technology expertise. Winners will also have the possibility to collaborate with one of Nestlé’s global R+D Accelerators to develop and strengthen their proposal.
Criteria• Strategic fit
We are looking for disruptive tech within our tech focus areas that are aligned with Nestlé R&D's strategic priorities. >
• Innovation fit
We are looking for innovations that are legally protected with IP, or concepts that have high potential of becoming IP-protected in an IP and equity free environment. >
• Culture fit
We are seeking startups that believe in unlocking the power of food to enhance quality of life for everyone, today and for generations to come. >
• Operational fit
Potential for scalability, we want to see you grow over time and surpass obstacles while placing food safety and quality at center of what you do. >