Short DescirptionThe PERLs are a central element of Lausanne Region's support for companies established in the territory of its member municipalities . Each year, they represent an opportunity for five companies in the region to distinguish themselves for a project with high potential and a particularly innovative character. The focus is on high and clean tech, but also social innovation, crafts and commerce. The competition thus contributes to the creation and maintenance of jobs in the Lausanne region.
Visibility One of the particularities of the PERL is to offer great visibility to the five winning projects. Thanks in particular to media partnerships with the daily newspaper 24heures, the magazine Bilan and the channel La Télé.
The ceremony itself brings together several hundred people each year in Beaulieu Lausanne, representing political and economic circles.
Services As part of the PERL, companies distinguished by the Jury benefit from exclusive services and coaching from partner companies: • GENILEM : coaching in project innovation • HyperAktiv.: project analysis using design methods • Gotham Coworking : voucher to be used for services and benefits in coworking spaces • IFJ – Startup Support : access to the Businessplan Tool platform and support sessions • JCI Lausanne : visibility within the framework of an event organized by the Junior Chamber International of Lausanne • Popular Pensions : courses offered on occupational pension planning • CVCI : 3 years of CVCI and Business Club membership offered • TV : production of a video presenting the company • Forvis Mazars : accounting and tax consultancy
Thanks to all our partners! Retraites Populaires , the Banque Cantonale Vaudoise and the Vaud Chamber of Commerce and Industry have been the main partners of PERL for almost 15 years.
Criteria(Please refer to the website for eligibility criteria)
Any company, regardless of its size or activity, can apply for the Prix Entreprendre Lausanne Région. It must develop in one of the member municipalities of Lausanne Region.
To compete, the company must present a commercial project (product/service/benefit) - Innovative - with strong economic potential for the Lausanne region; - which has not been in existence for more than five years, marketed or to be marketed. Candidates must compete in the following categories. They indicate which category(ies) (maximum two to choose from) their project belongs to: - Crafts - Commerce - Industry - Technological innovation - Design - Services The company must also provide a detailed list of prizes and grants received over the last five years for the same project.