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Short DescirptionCreate a better future for the next generations through Digital Circular Economy!

Following Hitachi’s mission of social innovation and green ease, Hitachi has launched the Innovation Challenge for Green Digital to ensure that the planet we pass on to the next generation will be a better place than the one we found!

If your company has a business solution to help tackle the problem below, we would like to hear from you. No matter where you are from, join this contest for the chance to develop a business partnership with Hitachi, a global group!
1. Energy optimization and Energy Management in Data Centers
2. Digital Battery Circulation with Data Utilization
3. Enhancing Manufacturing and Energy Efficiency in Energy Asset Production
4. Railway Operation and Maintenance Efficiency with Digital Tool/Data collection

The projects will be assessed following the criteria below:
• Value of the addressed issues:
o Is there a real need in the market to address this issue? How many people are impacted by it?
• Potential to create a strong customer base:
o How big is the market you are targeting? Who (companies/individuals) make up the target segment?
• Innovativeness of the technology and business model:
o How innovative is the technology used and the business model? How are they different from others?
• Feasibility:
o How feasible is the solution to put into practice? Does the solution make sense financially? Will the solution be sustainable over the long term?
• Impact:
o What is the scale of potential social impact? How broad is the impact? How many people will your solution reach? How significant is the impact?
• Synergy with Hitachi (Mentoring phase only):
o To what extent is your solution in line with Hitachi’s values of social innovation?