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Short DescirptionAre you a visionary EU GREEN academic who would like to be part of an innovative education model? EU GREEN Alliance invites you to submit your proposal for a redesigning of existing programmes!

In the EU GREEN Education Strategy, redesign of existing educational programs at any level (bachelor, masters or PhD) are defined as simultaneous changes in the study plan and associated curricular units of similar existing study programs by at least 3 partners. The primary purposes of this redesigning task in EU GREEN are (I) to promote sustainability through alignment with the graduate attributes framework and educational principles and (II) to foster mobility and strong collaboration among the partners involved in the redesign. To achieve the second objective, after the redesign process, the programs of the involved partners must have some common component, however they do not need to become identical.
CriteriaWho should apply?

EU GREEN academics from all member universities ready to be a part of innovative education!

To be considered as a candidate to be a pilot, the proposal for redesign must satisfy the following eligibility criteria:
• Be jointly/collectively redesigned by at least 3 partners and include some degree
• of collaboration at the implementation stage
• Learning outcomes have to be aligned with EU GREEN graduate attributes
• Be aligned with EU GREEN educational principles

For the selection process, the following selection criteria will be used (evaluated on a scale of 1-10):
• Degree of commonality in the redesigned programmes and other actions that foster collaboration and mobility;
• Degree of alignment with SGDs (Goals, Targets, Indicators);
• Degree of alignment with EU GREEN graduate attributes and educational Principles;
• Degree of innovativeness incorporated in the redesigned programmes, especially regarding the teaching and learning process;
• Evidence that the redesign will foster research-education links;
• Evidence that the redesign will stimulate links with business and society;

Please read criteria on the website
RegionsEU Member State or a Horizon Europe Associated Country