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Short DescirptionWIPO Magazine is excited to announce an open call for pitches for a special issue of the WIPO Magazine. This edition will explore the diverse intellectual property (IP) issues that affect the vibrant global music industry and local scenes.
The aim of this edition is to highlight the work of creators and innovators from around the world and to showcase best IP practices, including innovative approaches to the collective management of IP rights, copyright, the protection for performances and recordings, trademarks, patents and technology; in short, anything that reflects the creativity and innovation shaping music and IP today.
CriteriaWe also welcome essays that explore emerging challenges relating to the music industry and IP.

We are looking for colorful and concrete examples that showcase innovation and creation and highlight music-related IP rights and best practices. That could mean musical inventions, innovative takes on collecting royalties, performing rights, or outstanding artists using IP in new ways. We are also open to stories and interviews on niche topics that are off the beaten track.

We are keen to receive essays or feature articles that tackle current hot-button issues and the latest conversations on IP in music. One example is the growing use of artificial intelligence (AI): AI-generated music and AI soundalikes are disrupting business models and raising questions about authorship. Another example is streaming, which may be both a blessing and a challenge. Stories may also be written from topical angles or about court cases that shed light on artists’ rights.

Think about what might interest a globally curious audience and what specific information music creators and innovators would find useful.

If you have worked on, or are working on, any such topics, or know someone else who is, please do contact us. Once you have an idea, send an email to with your pitch.