Call for Proposals for Partner Agreements for Civil Society Organizations under the Strong Civic Space for Equality and Women's Empowerment - Phase II by UN Women Türkiye
End Date24 Jan 2025 Funding AmountUSD 100k to 200k Funding Resource Type
Funding Provider
UN Women Türkiye
Gender EqualityWomen EmpowermentWomen Rights
Short DescirptionUN Women Türkiye invites women’s rights/women-led civil society organizations (CSOs) and other relevant rights-based CSOs legally registered and operating in Türkiye to submit project proposals under this Call for Proposals. UN Women will award indicatively 4 Partner Agreements (PAs) to civil society organizations to contribute to the achievement of the project Output, “Women’s rights groups, women-led CSOs, other rights-based organizations have enhanced operational, normative and programmatic capacities and strengthened sense of community around common goals as part of a larger network of UN Women supported organizations through principled and demand-driven financial and technical support.”
Criteria(Please refer to the website for eligibility criteria)
PAs will be awarded in three lots and in the thematic areas of: • LOT1: Elimination of violence against women and girls • LOT 2: Advancing women’s economic empowerment • LOT 3: Gender responsive climate action and/or disaster risk reduction Applicants should submit individual proposals covering the eligible activities under only one lot (Lot 1, 2 or Lot 3). Applicants may apply to more than one lot separately, provided that they submit only one proposal corresponding to a single lot, with all mandatory annexes.
Legally registered and operating in Türkiye • Prioritization: Applications from women's rights and women-led organizations are prioritized. • Encouragement: Proposals leveraging partnerships or engagement with other entities are encouraged. • Ineligibility: Municipalities, cooperatives, international organizations, companies, private or public universities, unions, or individuals are not eligible applicants.