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Short DescirptionUN Women Türkiye invites women’s rights/women-led civil society organizations (CSOs) and other relevant rights-based CSOs legally registered and operating in Türkiye to submit project proposals under this Call for Proposals.
UN Women will award indicatively 4 Partner Agreements (PAs) to civil society organizations to contribute to the achievement of the project Output, “Women’s rights groups, women-led CSOs, other rights-based organizations have enhanced operational, normative and programmatic capacities and strengthened sense of community around common goals as part of a larger network of UN Women supported organizations through principled and demand-driven financial and technical support.”
Criteria(Please refer to the website for eligibility criteria)

PAs will be awarded in three lots and in the thematic areas of:
• LOT1: Elimination of violence against women and girls
• LOT 2: Advancing women’s economic empowerment
• LOT 3: Gender responsive climate action and/or disaster risk reduction
Applicants should submit individual proposals covering the eligible activities under only one lot (Lot 1, 2 or Lot 3). Applicants may apply to more than one lot separately, provided that they submit only one proposal corresponding to a single lot, with all mandatory annexes.

Legally registered and operating in Türkiye
• Prioritization: Applications from women's rights and women-led organizations are prioritized.
• Encouragement: Proposals leveraging partnerships or engagement with other entities are encouraged.
• Ineligibility: Municipalities, cooperatives, international organizations, companies, private or public universities, unions, or individuals are not eligible applicants.