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Short DescirptionThe Sustainable Growth and Adoption Program (SGAP) invites southern Ontario food- and agri-tech businesses to lead projects that accelerate sustainable growth through the adoption and integration of clean technologies, practices, and process enhancements into their operations. Recipients will receive up to $100,000 in non-repayable contributions.

SGAP offers non-repayable funding to later-stage food- and agri-tech businesses for projects that enable clean growth, expansion, modernization, and sustainability enhancements in their operations. The objective of the program is to promote sustainability across the value chain by de-risking the adoption of clean technologies and the integration of sustainable practices. Direct support will be provided to companies adopting new technologies or adapting current operations to become greener and more sustainable.
Criteria(Please see the Program Guide in the Application Toolkit for a full list of eligibility criteria.)

Projects must meet the growth and adoption needs of the applicant by supporting one or both of the following:
• The integration of proven clean technologies into operations; and/or
• The implementation of sustainability enhancement activities to assess possible modifications to current operations.
Funding is only available for projects involving eligible applicants and eligible sustainability project partners. It can be used to cover advisory services, operational assessments, equipment acquisition, employee labour, and other costs directly related to the project.

Eligible applicants must be:
• For-profit private sector enterprise or not-for-profits corporations ready to:
1. Adopt proven clean technologies from an Eligible Sustainability Project Partner and/or;
2. Engage an Eligible Sustainability Project Partner for sustainability enhancement projects.
• Operating in the Food- and Agri-Technology Sectors
• Generating a minimum of $200,000 in annual revenues (unless a not-for-profit)
• Incorporated in Canada and located in southern Ontario; and
• Able to procure 60% match of the project costs, up to $150,000.

Sustainability Project Partner must be:
• A for-profit private sector enterprise or a not-for-profit corporation able to:
1. Offer a proven clean technology or consultation service that reduces the applicant’s carbon footprint and accelerates their transition to net zero; and
2. Provide a Statement of Work (SOW).
RegionsSouth Ontario