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Short DescirptionFor the third year running, nominations are now open for our Pioneer Award 2025, which celebrates the outstanding contribution of trailblazing scientists who conduct research without using animals.

The specially commissioned Pioneer Medal will be awarded to the winner for their contribution in helping to make animal free the gold standard in UK laboratories. They will also receive free attendance and be invited to deliver a keynote speech at our conference, which is taking place over 26-27th March 2025 in York.

The winner will be entitled to call themselves ‘Animal Free Research Pioneer 2025’ and will be supported by the charity to promote and showcase their work through a series of talks and other dynamic events to engage and inspire their peers and the public.
Criteria1. The Animal Free Research UK Pioneer Award is for scientists who have made an outstanding contribution to medical research without the use of animals.

2. Scientists undertaking animal-free research within academia, government, industry or private research institution are eligible for nomination.

3. Nominations from last year are welcome to reapply and will be considered.

4. Self-nominations will not be considered.

5. Must be available to attend and accept the award at our Science Conference on 26-27th March 2025 in York.